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Skincare & Self care for Every Age & Stage – in your 40s!

Apr 27, 2018 | 0 comments

In your 40s:

They say Life Begins at 40, so get ready to embrace this phase with all your might! Entering this decade is an amazing time in life, whatever is going on.

When I turned 40, I was a new mother of a 9 month old baby. I spent my birthday at home with him and invited 5 of my closest girlfriends over for an amazing dinner prepared my sweet chef/husband. I gave each woman a Retinol creme with Vitamin C and powerful lighteners and antioxidants, because we were all turning 40 around that time, and I explained that this was an absolute must-have for skincare over 40. 

2 years later, they are all ordering that creme on a regular rotation!

Now, I am the proud mother of an almost threenager, and he keeps us very active! 

I can see that while my husband and I may be more mentally and emotionally sound than in our younger years, physically, we get tired earlier in the evenings. Our ideal weekend is one with nothing on the calendar. We need more downtime to keep up with everything we have going on.

My husband works a demanding full-time job at the VA hospital. He oversees the cafeteria & kitchen, and his team serves between 5,000-6,000 veterans, their family members and medical staff every single day. He loves what he does and often says the Vets get him out of bed every morning. Still, that takes A LOT of energy.

I own and operate a small skincare spa, and I generally see 5-7 clients per day. My work with my clients is my passion, and I am beyond thankful and fortunate to do what I love. 

However, running a small business requires me to also take care of lots of other little things. 

I am the marketing team, the business manager, the receptionist, the data entry clerk and the janitor, as well as the Esthetician/Educator.

After seeing clients all day and running my small business, I go home to my husband and son, and there’s a second shift of being wife, mother, housekeeper (thank goodness my husband is the cook in our family!) bath time fun coordinator and bedtime story reader.

All things I called in to my life experience and give thanks for the opportunity to do and be every day. 

All things that also require me to stay diligent about my self care, and my skincare, too, since that’s what my life & business is all about!

When I see clients in their 40s, the range of skin concerns and complexion quality is all over the board. Some clients are seeing a lot of early signs of aging and changing, some are still enjoying being carded for a glass of wine!  Some of this can be attributed to genetics. 

Even more is the result of the habits you’ve had in place over the decades, the way you take care of your skin and your whole self.

“My skin has been fine my whole life, but now I’m noticing changes and I feel like I’m looking older. What can I do?”

I hear this from clients in their 40s a lot. Many people never learned good skincare habits and just always treated the skin on their face the same as on the body, or kind of neglected to pay special attention to their face because they never really needed to.

Whether you’ve been taking great care of your skin for a while or are just getting started, it’s time to get even more serious about your skincare.

Best habits for this decade (40-50) are:

Cleansing every night

Serums that contain firming peptides and skin brightening agents

Retinol creme at night

Eye creme around eyes

Neck creme

In the morning, splash cool water on your face 

Apply your Firming serum, Antioxidant or Vitamin C creme and Tinted moisturizer to prep the skin for any additional, optional cosmetics.

Professional treatments:  Invest in a relaxing & rejuvenating customized skincare treatment each month or so, if you can.  This can be a deep healing, restful experience that also keeps your skin smooth and fresh, your brows groomed and tinted if you like them dark, and your lashes can be tinted, too. This investment of time and money can make getting ready in the morning faster and easier for the whole month in between treatments. 

This habit can be a life saver for this phase of life. Whether you’re working, parenting, running a business or a household, this is a busy time! Create and protect the practices that will keep you energized and grounded and capable of handling all that’s on your plate.

Other Self Care practices that can help you stay sane, calm, energized & grounded are:

Sleep. In a quiet, dark room. 8-10 hours per night. Like it’s your job!

Sunscreen, sunglasses & a hat on sunny days to protect your skin & scalp, reduce squinting!

Nutrition. "Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much." – Michael Pollan, Author of Food Rules and The Omnivore's Dilemma. Lots of fresh veggies, fruits, whole foods, include occasional indulgences and enhance your glow from within.

In my 40s, I am noticing that I am more affected by food than I was in my younger years. It's becoming imperative that I eat smaller portions, take my time to eat slowly, prioritize good nutrition and limit unhealthy but fun indulgences, and pay attention to how I feel. I stop eating as soon as I am full. 

Exercise. Move your body. Pump your blood. Increase circulation. Tone your muscles. Sweat. Ideally, outside in fresh air. Let it feel good. Do what you enjoy.

Yoga. "Yoga is profoundly effective self care"- Rolf Gates, Yoga Teacher & Author of Meditations from the Mat. The benefits of a yoga practice are vast and many. If you can begin a practice early in life, it will be something that will welcome you back anytime. Your body, your mind, your whole self will thank you. You can read my blog post about what Yoga is here:

Meditation. Meditation is a practice that can be used to create the life you want, self-soothe anxieties and fears, create new neuropathways that protect your brain and benefit your body in ways science has only begun to understand. It is a practice that is perfected by very few, which is beautiful, because the practice is the journey.

Visualization. Getting clear about what you want optimizes your chances of receiving what you want. See yourself the way you strive to be. Use the power of your mind to see your ideal self, in your ideal situations. 

Change sheets & pillowcases often. Reduce dust & bacteria from getting all over your face and aggravating your skin.

Clean phone screens. Reduce bacteria from clogging your face where your phone touches.

Don’t touch your face: Again, the bacteria from your hands can irritate your skin.

Sit up straight: Better posture leads to feeling better and looking better.

Take screen breaks: Phones and screens are addictive. Mindfully set them down and engage in the world around you. Your life is happening in your PRESENCE, not in your phone.

Take deep breath breaks: Every hour or so, stop and take 10 deep, slow, full inhales and exhales. It takes about 2 minutes and can reset your mind and body. It's a great way to begin a mini-meditation practice. Bring in a visualization for something you'd like to create in your life or even in your day, as a bonus!

Drink lots of water: Hydration is very important. I recommend drinking only water & tea. No sodas or sugary beverages. Your body and your skin don't need the extra sugar.